
about us

servei de criança submarina de vins selectes

Posem a disposició els nostres serveis i experiència en criança submarina de vins selectes posats directament en àmfora ceràmica feta de forma artesanal tal i com es feia ja en la antigua Roma.
  • Protected by the seas and oceans

    Absorvint la seva màgia

  • Heritage of the Romans

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • S'Àmfora

    Tot un tresor a l'espera de ser descobert


Qui som?

Un grup d'amics amb curiositats sobre el món del vi i que estimem el que fem, forma part de la nostra persona i això es nota. Amb experiència sobre la criança de vins subaquàtica des del 2009 podem dir que coneixem prou bé la metodologia. 

Que fem?

Underwater aging of wines in artisanal ceramic amphorae. A new way to enjoy the wonderful world of wine from respect for what we do without forgetting our roots, specifically, as they did in the glorious Roman era.

Plans i estratègies

Posem a disposició de les bodegues que sentin curiositat i vulguin "formar part" de l'exclusiu món S'Àmfora. Oferim els nostres serveis ( infraestructura, metodologia, suport legal i facilitats) per tal d'aconseguir el millor resultat de la criança submarina com ningú més fa.

Experienced team

We have been testing wine by submerging fresh water with bottles since 2009. In 2016 we started aging the wine with handmade ceramic amphorae but at the bottom of the sea between 12-16 months. Since then we have been improving in methodology, infrastructure and knowledge. More and more wineries and people are trusting our services and products.

Guaranteed quality

La nostra metodologia i els nostres serveis, estan garantits i protegits legalment. Disposem de tots els documents exigits per les administracions així com els certificats d’idoneïtat.


history of the ancient Romans brought to the present

Personalized Services

Custom tastings

Visits to the vineyard and the winery

Sale of products

"All the effort, knowledge and desire put into each of the amphorae I pamper in order to convey the respect of our ancestors, who have made it possible for me to bring S'Àmfora to those who shared this wonderful feeling."

Xavier Belda

"The fruit of my passion for the world of wine and its history, specifically the glorious Roman era, where not even slaves were forbidden to drink it."

Jaume Bages

"My person, my spirit, knowledge and passion in every grape, in every vineyard, in every handful of land, in every sip and in each of those you respect and want to share"

Diego Duran

"I want to contribute the best of myself to this new and wonderful way of living the world of wine, to explain and try to transfer to everyone what I feel from S'Àmfora to the last breath, above all, well deserved."

Carlos Águila

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